
Trustgrid is a fintech company that specializes in simplifying  connections between cloud-based applications and on-premises systems. In an effort to better communicate their offerings and provide technical support and education to their customers, Trustgrid needed a website overhaul. This included giving their original brand a facelift, full site remapping for optimal user flow, removal of intermediate pages, content restructuring, and the addition of resources page and content library.

Project Details

GDUSA 2020 Web Design Award

Scope: Website Design, Brand Identity Refresh

Role: Lead Designer // Sitemapping, Content Structure, Website Design, Brand Identity Refresh

Agency: MODintelechy

Web Design

The refreshed look and feel promotes a bolder and modernized brand visual using a newly developed color palette, streamlined typography, and graphic abstract photography. Graphic elements allude to interconnectivity, literally connecting each page element to another.

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"From initial creative meetings and brainstorming to final delivery, the MODintelechy team exceeded our expectations. We had an ambitious goal of making our highly technical product approachable and easy for prospects to navigate—delivered on time and budget."

—Lance Johnson, VP of Marketing, Trustgrid 


© 2024  Lauren Henderson